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Courier Servicing Harvey to Perth Western Australia
Courier service providing coverage from Harvey to Perth and beyond
Whether you need to send a parcel to Midland or a pallet to Perth, Harvey Courier Service is the team to call! We are a courier service based in Harvey, providing extensive coverage right across the coast of Western Australia, from Bunbury to Perth and everywhere in between.
Harvey Courier Service was founded on a desire to get our area moving, to help local businesses and to provide the high standard, same-day delivery service we feel our customers deserve. We really care about our piece of Western Australia and we want to support communities, encourage growth, and help local businesses prosper.
We have a range of regular routes and runs providing extensive coverage of many areas such as:
- Harvey
- Bunbury
- Waroona
- Perth
- Yarloop
- Mandurah
- Landsdale
- Midland
- Fremantle
- Lake Clifton
- Herron
- Preston Beach
- Myalup
- Binningup
- And many other towns and places in between!
Flexible courier service
Why choose us?
Many businesses, from Perth to Bunbury, choose Harvey Courier Service when speed and punctuality is an absolute necessity. From companies who rely on the time-sensitive delivery of legal documents, to those needing “just in time” parts deliveries or vitally important medical deliveries, we are the courier service people choose when reliability, speed and quality are imperative.
We treat each and every item with absolute care but for peace of mind for our customers, we are also fully insured. No matter how precious, delicate, large or valuable your item is, it is in safe hands with us!
If you need to send something even further afield, or have something collected, we can also organise pick up and delivery, all over Australia!
Superior delivery service operating from Bunbury to Perth
Though we are called Harvey Courier Service, don’t let the name fool you! Our business may have started in Harvey, but our services now extend far beyond, and we aim to keep on growing and expanding to provide even more coverage!
If we can’t move it ourselves because the destination or pick up point is out of our range, we can organise pick up to delivery for you, anywhere in Australia!
We aim to provide total coverage for our specific area, so if you’re not sure, just give us a call and we’ll do our very best to help. There is always a solution to every logistical problem and Harvey Courier Service is dedicated to finding and providing it!

Harvey Courier Service
- Lot 10 Abberton Way Harvey WA 6220
- ABN: 29 541 047 857
© 2024 Harvey Courier Service, All Rights Reserved.